я очень хотела попасть на этот показ! на него был большой ажиотаж и это не удивительно. Алена Ахмадулина — известный дизайнер.
Обычно каждую свою коллекцию она посвящает русской или зарубежной сказке. Алена Ахмадуллина продолжает развивать тему сказки «Три царевны подземного царства», начатую в межсезонье
В коллекции Resort — 2017 Алена Ахмадуллина сделала ставку на жаккардовые платья, шубы из разноцветного меха и базовые вещи с аппликациями в темных тонах. Весной мы получаем яркое продолжение этих задумок . На этот раз пересказывается вторая часть «Трех царевен подземного царства».
Царевна Ахмадуллиной теперь носит одежду пастельных цветов: романтичные шорты, пальто и платья. Но в середине показаи лукбука появляются тяжелые жаккардовые пальто с вышитыми узорами и аппликацией в виде дракона (и модеи шагали под песню о драконе). Казалось бы, Ахмадулина взяла за основу традиционный силуэт русского костюма — трапецию — и обыграла её, добавив элементов и многослойности.
Старинная русская техника плетения жемчугом и ремесло золотого шитья стали основой для нарисованных вручную и нанесенных с помощью цифровой печати принтов. Двухмерные узоры превращаются в объемный декор: так, например, чешуйки брони дракона собраны из настроченных лоскутов ткани.
В коллекции яркое разделение на светлое и темное. От мрачных оттенков с золотыми элементами (в пре-коллекции) сказка плавно переходит к розовому, мятному и кремовому тонам в новой коллекции, тем самым предвосхищая наступление весны и счастливый финал сказки.
Как говорят модные обозревтаели: «Поклонники марки любят Алену Ахмадуллину за сложные театральные образы — их она и показывает, с каждым годом совершенствуясь в мастерстве и изяществе исполнения. Богато украшенные пальто цариц вряд ли станут для поклонниц марки униформой на каждый день. Но вот легкие шифоновые платья с принтами, кюлоты, пальто различных фасонов, а также стеганая юбка, небесно-голубого цвета свитшот и шорты вполне могут быть основой повседневного образа.»
В общем, смотрите видео, которое мы сняли на показе.
и смотрите фото делайте выводы! НА мой вкзгляд коллекция раскошна!
MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)
MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA — OCTOBER 17: A model walks the runway at the Alena Akhmadullina show during day five of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia SS17 at Manege on October 17, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images)